2023-12-24 17:32:03 +10:00

122 lines
2.4 KiB

# Insert blank lines between shell prompts
add_newline = true
command_timeout = 1000
# Change the default prompt format
format = '''
$env_var $all
 '''
# Change the default prompt characters
success_symbol = ""
error_symbol = ""
# Shows an icon that should be included by zshrc script based on the distribution or os
format = '[$env_value](bold white)' # removed space between distro and rest for pwsh
variable = "STARSHIP_DISTRO"
disabled = false
# Shows the username
variable = "USER"
format = '[$env_value](bold white) '
disabled = false
# Show icon depending on OS device is running
format = '[$env_value](bold yellow)'
variable = "STARSHIP_DEVICE"
disabled = false
ssh_only = false
format = '[$hostname](bold yellow) '
disabled = false
# truncation_length = 3
# truncation_symbol = "…/"
home_symbol = " ~"
read_only_style = "197"
read_only = "  "
format = ' \[[$path]($style)\][$read_only]($read_only_style)'
format = '\[[$symbol \\[$name\\]]\]($style)'
symbol = " "
format = '\[[$symbol$branch]($style)\] '
# truncation_length = 4
# truncation_symbol = "…/"
style = "bold green"
format = '[\($all_status$ahead_behind\)]($style) '
style = "bold green"
conflicted = "🏳"
up_to_date = ""
untracked = ""
ahead = "⇡${count}"
diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}"
behind = "⇣${count}"
stashed = "󱧘"
modified = ""
staged = '[++\($count\)](green)'
renamed = ""
deleted = ""
symbol = ""
format = '\[[$symbol($profile)(\($region\))(\[$duration\])]($style)\]'
format = '\[[time $duration]($style)\]'
format = '\[[ terraform $version\]]($style) 壟 \[[$workspace\]]($style)'
disabled = true
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
disabled = true
symbol = " "
format = '\[[$symbol$context]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
disabled = true
symbol = ""
format = '\[[${symbol}${pyenv_prefix} (${version})(\($virtualenv\))]($style)\]'
symbol = "󰏗"
format = '\[[$symbol ($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ""
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = "󰴭"
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
disabled = true
symbol = ""
format = '\[[$symbol ($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[as $symbol]\]'